Student use of Technology in light of the ISTE Standards

Student use of Technology in light of the ISTE Standards

  • Describe how students are using the technology
    • Students are mainly using technology on either their phones or iPads to look things up and create content, in the form of Googleslides or an essay, to present what they've learned. 
  • Share which ISTE Student standards (if any) are being covered by the students' use of technology 
    • I believe I have seem students in my practicum classroom be empowered learners and technology advocates when they chose to present their knowledge using a technologically medium instead of on pen and paper. 
  • Describe how the teacher might better help his/her students meet ISTE Student Standards (provide examples)
    • I think there is more Mrs. Campbell could be doing to help students meet the ISTE standards. I know some sixth graders get the opportunity to take tech and experience/experiment with technology then, but I believe they could benefit much like we did from technology centers. In that way they could practice ISTE standards, one (empowered learner) four (innovative designer), and six (creative communicator) not just within the times they are creating projects, but more regularly. 
    • Example: Host technology centers in your classroom monthly, weekly, or as often as you can manage within the classroom. Encourage students to bring technologies to showcase at school. Technology show and tell could focus on a new ISTE standard weekly. 
  • Discuss how the teacher might be meeting the ISTE Educator Standards (i.e. include  why you believe that the activity is a demonstration of the standard)
    • In doing this research we are perfecting our practice of becoming ISTE educators by learning more about technology and how to implement it within our classrooms. As with any form of knowledge continued education is always required to build upon what you already know and make your technology skill set grow. 
  • Describe how the teacher might better illustrate that she/he is meeting the ISTE Educator Standards (provide examples)
    • I will need to research more technologies to better what my students bring into the classroom. For example, the watches young children wear, some have calling and even picture taking capabilities. It would be important for me to be informed about how those technologies operate if they are to be present within my learning space. 
    • Continued education  


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