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Final Comprehensive Script

  Delaney Cook Title: ISTE Standards VIDEO AUDIO In this column, write what kind of shot (LS, MS, CU, etc.) & describe what they viewer is seeing. Ex: MS: Reporter standing in front of green screen. In this column, write exactly what sounds the viewer hears.   If it is someone speaking, ID the person speaking. Ex. Narrator: Welcome to NewTube… For natural sound, write Nat Sound. Ex. Nat Sound: Saws and power drills - It is a personal belief and value of mine that every human on this earth has a desire to learn. Whether they wish to learn the content of textbooks or the ways of the world is not important to me. However, what is important is that students are constantly encouraged to find their own sense of discovery. This is important so that school doesn’t feel like rote memorization, an exercise in accepting boredom, or purposeless. It is my deeply held conviction that we are all capabl

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